When people don’t go to the museums, that’s a problem. When the museum has tried everything and it doesn’t help much, that’s a problem. How do we introduce people to the museums and give the visitors something new to experience?
How do we change people’s mindset, who think museums are dusty old school places, full of boring exhibits? How do we tell them that every exhibit has a story, that should be told?
To ensure people that every exhibit matters and that museums can pass through the hole between past and future, we wanted to bring some more digital taste to the museums. So we decided to use the holograph technique and bring it to a whole new and meaningful level. Let people learn and experience the exhibits in holograph through their smartphones, that was the solution.
First we started with National Museum “Earth and Man”, but later the Ethnographic museum joined in. The museums selected some of their most popular and interesting crystals and items, and we made 5760 photos in 24 MP of 40 exhibits in total. Everyone of them was photographed in 360 degrees, which later made it possible for people to see in all viewpoints.
We named the platform “eXponat” and transformed it in a pack, which was given free to visitors in the museums.
Every video has English and Bulgarian voiceovers, telling the story of the crystals and items. For the Bulgarian VO we invited the pop singer duo Alex&Vladi, who made the stories more genuine and a little bit fairy, too.
The videos are available on smartphones as well as on desktop computers. That’s because we made a dedicated website, in which everyone can see the crystals with or without holographic pyramid. The website includes a gallery where you can see a high quality pictures of every crystal, can rotate it in 360 degrees and can zoom-in and zoom-out to see the details.
Every eXponat pack includes a prepared pyramid for enjoying the holographic video. However, in the website everyone can find a DIY pyramid and instructions how to make it at home.